Clamav Mac Install

ClamAV is an open source antivirus engine developed by Sourcefire, which is also the owner of Snort Intrusion detection engine. ClamAV provides a more rapid and flexible framework for detecting malicious code and software products. It can be used as a supplementary tool or alternative product for existing desktop computers, file servers, mail servers and other scenarios requiring antivirus scanning software. In addition, the ClamAV package also contains the libclamav library and the command line executable interface. At the same time, the freshclam command-line tool is also provided to ensure the update of feature library.
Clam antivirus (ClamAV) is a free and open source antivirus software. The update of software and virus code is released by the community free of charge. At present, ClamAV is mainly used in the mail server set up by Linux, FreeBSD and other UNIX like systems to provide e-mail virus scanning service. ClamAV itself operates under the text interface, but there are many front-end tools for graphical interface. In addition, due to its open-source characteristics, there are porting versions on both windows and Mac OS X platforms.
Let’s take a look at the installation of ClamAV on CentOS
1. Go Install the package now

Install from a binary package. For binary package distribution installation instructions, head over to our website. Windows Build from Source on Windows. The instructions for building ClamAV from source on Windows is located in the Win32 README. Using an Install Package. We provide an installer to install ClamAV on Windows to 'C:Program Files'. ClamAV ® is the open source standard for mail gateway scanning software. High Performance ClamAV includes a multi-threaded scanner daemon, command line utilities for on demand file scanning and automatic signature updates. - Getting and installing the latest version of ClamAV This chapter will guide you through replacing your current version of ClamAV with the latest stable version available.

The code is as follows:

Clamav Mac Download


2. Installation

The code is as follows:

rpm -ivh clamav-db-0.98-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh clamav-0.98-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
rpm -ivh clamd-0.98-2.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm

3. Start service

The code is as follows:

Service clamd start

4. Update virus database

The code is as follows:


Clamav For Mac

5. Scanning
Scan a directory,

The code is as follows:

clamscan -r /home/oicqzone

Store the results in the log,

The code is as follows:

clamscan -r /home/oicqzone -l /tmp/clamav.log

During scanning, only the files with problems are displayed and an alarm sound is issued,

The code is as follows:

clamscan -r –bell -i /home/oicqzone

Scan the files with problems and delete them directly,

The code is as follows:

clamscan -r –remove /home/oicqzone

You should be careful in this step. It is best not to do so. Be careful to delete the system files and cause the system to crash

When ClamAV has finished scanning all the files, the following similar report will be displayed

———– SCAN SUMMARY ———–
Known viruses: 33840
Scanned directories: 145
Scanned files: 226
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 54.22 MB
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 20.831 sec (0 m 20 s)
ClamAV only scans files that can be read by ClamAV. If you want to scan all files, add sudo before the command

Make ClamAV run in the mode of Damon protection

Just install ClamAV daemon. ClamAV will create an account named ‘ClamAV’. This is to enable ClamAV to scan some system files, such as where your email is stored. You can add ‘ClamAV’ as the owner of these files or directories.

How to know more parameters


The code is as follows:

man clamscan.

How to make ClamAV run automatically on schedule

You can use the ‘at’ command to run clamscan and freshclam, such as

The code is as follows:

at 3:30 tomorrow
at>clamscan -i /home/user > mail [email protected]
at> <CTRL-D>
job 3 at 2005-04-28 03:30

Or edit / etc / crontab to add the following

The code is as follows:

0 3 * * * root /usr/bin/freshclam –quiet -l /var/log/clamav/ clamav.log Upgrade at 3:00 every day

My preferred anti-virus system is ClamAV and I had trouble getting itrunning on macOS recently. Here’s how I got it going so if you’rerunning to the same issue, this should solve your problem.

I will go through the steps I took and problems encountered. Thisarticle will take you less than three minutes to read.

To get ClamAV running on macOS, run: brew install clamav

Thanks to brew, open source software like ClamAV can run on multipleplatforms.

Normally, I would just run the application directly, in this case:clamav, but that does not exist. The main application is: clamscan

Clamav Download For Windows 10

Hmm. What is going on here?

After looking up the man page, man clamscan, one related package isfreshclam, that has a description:

freshclam - update virus databases

Aah - let’s run freshclam to update the definition!

Well, there’s no such file, or where do I get it? Is there a sample somewhere?

Well, it turns out I missed a critical line in the brew install, which was:

To finish installation & run clamav you will need to editthe example conf files at /usr/local/etc/clamav/

🤦‍♂️ whoops! I didn’t even look (and only when writing up this article,I noticed it).

Let’s make the freshclam.conf file by running command:

Change the following in the file from:


Running the freshclam application again results in:

Great! Now macOS can scan virus too!

Install Clamav Mac

I can’t take credit for everything, I found this githubcommentthat basically describes the solution I presented.

I have this article as a way for me to remember but also remind myselfof apps that are better on Linux than macOS.

Getting ClamAV running on macOS isn’t that hard, but I was close togiving up!.

I love using open source software and macOS. As macOS is UNIX based,almost all open source software works on macOS.

Clamav Mac Os X Install

There are times where just using Linux to run open source software isa better experience than macOS. ClamAV is one of those times.

Hopefully, this post has helped you from giving up on open sourcesoftware!