Trials In Tainted Space Probes

From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Any planet that contains a Probe. Pages in category ‘Probe locations’. From Trials in Tainted Space Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. A military-grade, Steele Tech-branded data probe. In the spirit of the Planet Rush, Victor has placed data probes in undisclosed locations on each planet-of-interest for Captain Steele to find. Each probe is gene-locked and can only be accessed using biometrics. Former journalist Ivan Safronov is suspected of passing secrets to a Nato country but denies any guilt. Each probe is gene-locked and can only be accessed using biometrics. Upon opening, they will reveal data containing coordinates of the next probe. Essentially, the trail of probes will lead to Victor's personal probe, which contains an encrypted key that opens his deposit box in the Tavros Station bank, winning the rights to inherit his company.

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Planet'The Tidally Locked Planet'
SystemUond Ephine
Level Range10+


Planet Dhaal was only just recently discovered during the 14th Planet Rush. Unlike most of the previous planets, Dhaal's Dominant Sapient Lifeform, the Zaika are already civilized, and have a technologically advanced society on par with the majority of the galactic norm. This anomaly has lead to Dhaal already in the process of asserting sapient right into the United Galactic Confederacy. It also means that Dhaal has the potential for trade between big businesses in the Confederacy such as Xenogen Biotech, KihaCorp, and the Camarilla and will be unable to be easily enslaved by the likes of the Black Void or the Tarratch. It certainly helps that Dhaal is currently run by several dystopian governing/business entities known as zaibatsu. The three largest and de facto power holders are Brightwater LLC, Paragon Inc. and Utopian Skies.

Dhaal is a planet that is tidally locked. This means that the speed of the planet's rotation and the speed of it orbit are in synchronization to each other; One side is constantly facing the planet's sun and the other side never sees it. As a result, one half is a frozen wasteland and the other is an endless desert. The only hospitable portion of the planet is a band of eternal twilight between the two hemispheres.

  • 2Places of Interest
  • 3Inhabitants

Places of Interest

  • Taxi Stand - When landing at the spaceport, a shuttle will automatically transport you to the taxi stand in the Gyre for free. Unfortunately for the frugal, getting back to the ship will cost you 50 credits.


Trials In Tainted Space Special Names

Map of Dhaal.

Nearly the entire planet is made up of hostile space due to the planet's near-lawlessness, where thieves will try to steal your milk, 'milk' or other valuables. A few safe spaces exist, such as the Paragon capsule hotel, the milk bar, the taxi points and spaceport.

  • The Gyre - The commercial and residential area of Dhaal. Squalid and lawless, but the air is at least better than in the spaceport.
    • Paragon Capsule Resort
    • Milk Bar
    • Crash Landing
    • Implant Station
    • Rivet's Shop
  • Gabtown - The commercial and residential center for Gabilani living on Dhaal.
    • Gabmart Threadz



  • Gwon - Gabilani cybernetic drider, proprietor of Gabmart Threadz.
  • Myssah - Zaika concierge of the Paragon capsule resort.
  • Iyla - Treated human bartender and self-proclaimed owner of the Milk Bar.
  • Rivet - Zaika Amazon selling weapons and armor from her hidden shop. There are three clues to her location around the Gyre.
  • Sabrae - Cybernetically modded zaika shopkeeper of the Implant Station.
  • Narc - A damaged JoyCo nursedroid with some unsanctioned after-market modifications selling illegal drugs in the alleyways.


  • Gabilani Chemist - A chemist looking for test subjects for her latest products.
  • Gabilani Cyborg - A rusher who has sampled the local speciality and now seeks to put her mods through a live fire test.
  • Milk Thief - Luck-seeking Zaikas prowling the Gyre for off-worlders to milk of their most valuable possessions.
  • Zaika Hydra - Over-endowed Zaikas desperate for sexual relief.
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Planet'Planet of the Ants'


A heat-blasted red rock planet that has a mostly barren surface, with a variety of sentient life living in caves, crevices, and especially, underground cities. This planet is chiefly the home planet of the Myr peoples, or more properly, the Myrmedions. Technologically and culturally, the Myr seem to be roughly as developed as early 20th century Terra, comparatively dated or even ancient by galactic standards. The Red Myr and the Gold Myr, the dominant species on the planet, have been locked in a world war for seven years before First Contact, following generations of uneasy peace and short-lived conflicts.

The planet's first extraterrestrial discovery was by an ausar expedition, which eventually lead to a Joint Ausar Fleet spaceport opening on top of Gildenmere, the Gold Myr capital. With the recent involvement of the U.G.C., Xenogen Biotech, and members of the Kui-tan civilization, a cease fire has currently been issued between the two warring sides. The U.G.C. and its confederates are struggling to cement a major peace treaty between the myr factions in order to tap the planet's natural resources safely and efficiently. Until then, the 'Sword of Damocles' hangs over the planet as the Confederate fleet has warned that it will bombard the planet if its ambassadors -- who are currently based on the front lines of the conflict -- are threatened.

The Gilden Republic is the main governing body of the Gold Myr and the Scarlet Federation is the main governing body of the Red Myr.

'It's an ugly planet; a Bug planet! A planet hostile to life as we know it.'

  • 3Sub-Regions
  • 4Inhabitants

Places of Interest

  • Airstrip - Allows fast travel to Kressia. Permission required to enter.
  • The Great Elevator - Allows fast travel to Gildenmere. Permission required to enter.
  • U.G.C. Scout Authority - The taxi service between the DMZ, Radio Bunker and Crash Site.
  • Mushroom Park - Location of interest during Irellia's quest.
  • Radio Bunker - Location of a taxi radio also a room to Search.
  • Crash Site - Location of a taxi beacon.
  • Queen Taivra's Palace - Location of the next data probe.
  • Black Void Pirate Base(Off-planet) - Location of interest during the second part of Kara's quest.



The map of the Myrellion Embassy (DMZ)

The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) is a living place next to Myrellion's spaceport, above the capital city, Gildenmere.

  • Spaceport
  • United Galactic Confederacy Embassy - staffed by Juro and Lyralla (when they are not bonking in the closet) and Colonel Nehzara.
  • Bothrioc Embassy - headed by Ambassador Ara Kei and their assistant Charles.
  • Airstrip (to Kressia) - fast travel to Kressia (the alternative to the slower, but potentially much more exciting passage through No Myr's Land)
  • The Great Elevator - access to Gildenmere below
  • Spacer's Row - a street of establishments catering to off-worlders:
    • The Golden Peak - a bar where you can meet Kara and Shade (Kara's first quest is triggered on entering the bar), the waitress Embry and the deserter Liliana, as well as the usual bar regulars
    • U.G.C. Scout Authority - fast travel to points in No Myr's Land and the Deep Caverns (when unlocked)
    • Xenogen Biotech Outpost - there's a store staffed by Nevrie and later, Dr. McAllister can be found in his cabinet.
    • KihaCorp Shop - staffed by Emmy


Map of Gildenmere.
The northern-most point is the entrance to No Myr's Land. In the center is The Great Elevator.

Gildenmere is the capital of the Gold Myr and home of the Council of Queens.

  • The Great Elevator - in the center, provides access to the DMZ above
  • Checkpoints - the four tiles jutting out of the outermost loop:
    • Northwest Checkpoint
    • Southwest Checkpoint
    • Northeast Checkpoint
    • Southeast Checkpoint
  • Mushroom Park - the eight tiles surrounding the elevator entrance
    • The Little Green Man - a stand in the corner of the park, selling armor and clothing. Staffed by Liriel.
  • Palace - home of the Queens Irellia, Scalla and Marsail
  • Thollum - Yarasta and Giala
  • Sponsorstand, 'Sugar and Spice' - Orryx
  • Silken Serenity - Xanthe
  • The Honey Nozzle - Dally, Hepane, Fazian
  • Honeypot Stall - Asennia
  • Medical Hospital - Vi


Map of Kressia.
The upper right shows the airport. The lowest point connects to No Myr's Land.

Previously a prosperous Gold Myr city, now Kressia is a Scarlet Federation-occupied forward base, mere miles from Gildenmere.

  • Airport
  • Federation Supply and Trading Post - Renvra
  • Survival Shop - Anarrie and Shiare
  • A Shop - Merchant Queen
  • Bunker - Lieve and her wives
  • Bath House - Matron Oserre
  • Manor - Field Marshal Sellera
  • Medical Hospital - Anzhela
  • Warehouse - accessible only during Fazian's quest

No Myr’s Land

Map of the No Myr's Land.
The top portion connects to Kressia. The lower portion connects to Gildenmere. Center-left is a cliff descending down to the Deep Caverns.

The No Myr's Land is a battle-scarred area between Gildenmere and Kressia, full of landmines, monsters and deserters. See below for possible hostile encounters.

  • Radio Bunker - Unlockable fast-travel point.
  • Wetraxxel Den - the loop to the west of the main tunnels.
  • Cave Descent - entry point to the Deep Caverns below.

Deep Caverns

Map of the Deep Caverns.
Right-most is the ascension point leading up to No Myr's Land. South-most center is the Ganraen Village (Silly Mode).

The Deep Caverns are a hostile, untamed area deep below the surface of Myrellion. See below for possible hostile encounters.

  • Ascension point
  • Branching Path
  • Crash Site
  • Deep Lake- Queen of the Deep
  • Trading Post - Seifyn
  • Gate Exterior
  • Ganraen Village(enabled in Silly Mode)



  • Ambassador Juro - Ambassador representing the kui-tan, working in the U.G.C. Embassy.
  • Lyralla - Ambassador representing the Council of Queens, working in the U.G.C. Embassy.
  • Colonel Nehzara - Ambassador representing the Scarlet Federation, working in the U.G.C. Embassy.
  • Ara Kei - Ambassador representing the bothrioc, working in the Bothrioc Embassy.
  • Charles - Assistant to Ara Kei.
  • Kara - Smuggler introduced in The Golden Peak.
  • Shade - Bounty hunter found drinking in The Golden Peak, searching for Kara.
  • Embry - Waitress working in The Golden Peak.
  • Liliana - Gold Myr deserter, found at The Golden Peak.
  • Nevrie - Secretary at the Xenogen outpost.
  • Byron McAllister - Researcher in the Xenogen outpost laboratory.
  • Emmy - Weapons dealer at the KihaCorp weapon shop.
  • U.G.C. Scout - Scout authority who runs the taxi.

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  • Horny Myr Soldiers - Lusty gold myr group that has a 1/50 chance to appear if Steele has a penis while traversing around Gildenmere. There is a 1/20 chance for Steele to run into them again if Steele's penis is exposed while walking in Gildenmere, once a day. Steele can attempt to Run away, with success based on reflexes, or participate in their orgy.
  • Liriel - Vendor working in the corner of Mushroom Park in Gildenmere.
  • Orryx - Merchant that can be found working in his Sponsorstand at Gildenmere.
  • Yarasta - Teacher working in the Gildenmere thollum.
  • Vi - Nursedroid working in the Gildenmere medical hospital.
  • Xanthe - Vendor of the 'Silken Serenity' in Gildenmere.
  • Gene - Vendor who owns his own shop located in Gildenmere.
  • The Seer - Vendor who owns her mysterious shop located in Gildenmere, only existing from 11:00-23:00.
  • Asennia - Owner and operator of The Honeypot Stall at Gildenmere.
  • Dally - Stripper working in The Honey Nozzle at Gildenmere.
  • Hepane - Musician working in The Honey Nozzle at Gildenmere.
  • Fazian - Dancer working in The Honey Nozzle at Gildenmere.
  • Queen Irellia - Republic Queen found in the Gildenmere palace.
  • Renvra - Shopkeeper at the Federation trading post.
  • Lieve Thrysa - A Federation scout and special forces soldier, found in Kressia's defensive line.
  • Mayren and Sierva - Prisoners of war and trench wives to Lieve.
  • Colonel Kalayna - Federation military commander based in Kressia.
  • Merchant Queen - Vendor with a nameless shop in Kressia.
  • Anarrie and Shiare - Vendors who run the Survival Shop in Kressia.
  • Matron Oserre - Owner of the city bath house in Kressia.
  • Marshal Sellera - Commanding officer found in the War Room of the Kressia Manor.
  • Anzhela - Doctor working in the Kressia medical hospital.
  • Seifyn - Vendor who works at the Trading Post in the Deep Caverns.
  • Lys - Republic deserter who can be found on No Myr's Land.
  • Briha - Federation deserter who can be found in No Myr's Land.


General Strategy: Most of the inhabitants of Myrellion evolved from insectoid arthropods. Their bodies are covered in a natural chitin on their arms, legs, chest, and pelvis that serve as a natural bullet resistant, flame retardant, non-conductive armor. Meaning that most Hostiles are resistant to kinetic, burning, and electrical attacks. However, all Myrellions, having evolved from R-reproductive species, are very, very, easy and often have a popular opinion to what is considered attractive and the qualities of a good breeder. The majority of enemies have static sexual preferences and are generally easily susceptible to Lust Attacks (Tease, Pheromone, Drug, Psionic). If the player's preference is to use physical attacks, then their best bet is to use Corrosive, Poison, or Freezing attacks/weapons. It should be noted though, that the Adult Cockvine, the Myr Infected Female, and the Bothrioc Quadomme are vulnerable to burning weapons due to the fire immolating their fibrous AOE abilities.

  • Landmines - Lust-inducing explosives scattered around 'No Myr's Land'. They will wipe out shields and deal at least 1/3 damage to maximum health. There is a 3% encounter rate, with avoidance chance based on the Steele's reflexes. They can be reduced in encounter rate (down to 1%) if Steele is using the pink hoverboard, disarmed automatically if Steele is a smuggler class, or avoided entirely if Steele has a minesweeper equipped.
  • Cockvine - Parasitic creatures that can be found roaming in 'No Myr's Land'.
  • Myr Deserters - Deserters who roam 'No Myr's Land'.
  • Nyrea - Aggressive breeders that can be found in 'No Myr's Land' and the deep caverns.
    • Nyrean Huntress
      • Beta Nyrean Huntress - Usually roaming 'No Myr's Land' and sometimes found in the deep caverns.
      • Alpha Nyrean Huntress - Sometimes found in the deep caverns.
  • Wetra Hound - Guards the Wetraxxel den.
  • Wetraxxel Brawler - Roams the Wetraxxel den to build his harem.
  • Ganrael - Crystal goo lifeforms roaming the Deep Caverns.
    • Ganraen Knight(enabled in Silly Mode)
  • Fungus-Infected Myr - Myr who have been infected by a symbiotic fungus, usually found roaming in the deep caverns.
  • Bothrioc - Hostile harem builders that can be found in the deep caverns.
  • Queen of the Deep - Occupies the Deep Lake of the Deep Caverns.


Myrellion is named after the Myrmidons a warlike race of loyal humanoids the size of Ants, featured in The Iliad.

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